Study shows omega-3 may reduce risk of dying from coronavirus

Researchers from the Fatty Acid Research Institute (FARI) and collaborators at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and in Orange County, California provided the first direct evidence that omega-3 may reduce the risk of dying from the coronavirus (COVID-19). Their study was published in the journal Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are an essential … Continue reading Study shows omega-3 may reduce risk of dying from coronavirus

After you are vaccine damaged, if you complain about symptoms you will be REQUIRED to take psychiatric medications until your “disorder” is cured (i.e. you stop complaining)

They call it Post Pandemic Stress Disorder, or PPSD, but it’s really long-term side effects from the Covid vaccines, and those who dare complain will face the dire consequences of challenging the false-authority of the Chinese Communist Party (Biden) administration. Most people have no idea that forced vaccination is only the beginning of “battling” the pandemic, … Continue reading After you are vaccine damaged, if you complain about symptoms you will be REQUIRED to take psychiatric medications until your “disorder” is cured (i.e. you stop complaining)

Do antidepressants really work? Danish study says otherwise

It remains unclear whether antidepressants are an effective treatment for depression in adults, according to a recent review. Published in BMJ Open, it revealed that previous clinical trials and existing studies do not provide conclusive evidence that antidepressants can treat symptoms of depression better than alternative treatments. Depression: Types, symptoms and causes Depression is one of the most common … Continue reading Do antidepressants really work? Danish study says otherwise

Texas “mom” who tried to force transgenderism onto her 6-year-old son may have her own mental disorder called “Munchausen syndrome by proxy,” warns pediatrician

The head of the American College of Pediatricians (ACP) is attempting to make the case that an infamous Texas “mother” and “pediatrician” who’s forcing her six-year-old son to live as a “transgender” against his will may have a serious mental disorder herself. It’s known as Munchausen syndrome by proxy, and while Dr. Michelle Cretella, ACP’s executive director, … Continue reading Texas “mom” who tried to force transgenderism onto her 6-year-old son may have her own mental disorder called “Munchausen syndrome by proxy,” warns pediatrician

12 Shocking Facts About the Dangers of Psychiatric Drugs

Source: 12 Shocking Facts About the Dangers of Psychiatric Drugs by Dr. Edward Group Every day, doctors and psychiatrists dole out behavior-modifying medicines for a variety of psychiatric disorders. The disorders range from depression and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder) to bipolar and anxiety disorders. The sordid story behind how these medications work, how they come … Continue reading 12 Shocking Facts About the Dangers of Psychiatric Drugs