SSRI antidepressant drugs are a SCAM: The “chemical imbalance” myth EXPOSED

  You will never hear about it on television "news" because Big Pharma controls all the networks – just look at the commercials to see for yourself – but the fact is that antidepressant drugs like SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) do not work and are based on scam science. Late last year, research published by Frontiers in Psychiatry revealed that the only thing many … Continue reading SSRI antidepressant drugs are a SCAM: The “chemical imbalance” myth EXPOSED

Psychopathic behavior on the rise as society descends into freefall collapse

The United States has entered what one media source describes as "the middle stages" of a full-scale economic and social collapse, as evidenced by the increasing prevalence of psychopathic behavior in public. Over the past 10 years, there has been a dramatic uptick in mass violence and theft across the country. The advent of social media is … Continue reading Psychopathic behavior on the rise as society descends into freefall collapse

IDIOCRACY IS HERE: Woke FAA now hiring workers with “severe intellectual and psychiatric disabilities” in new DEI program

Secretary Pete Buttigieg's Department of Transportation (DOT) has unveiled a new "Diversity and Inclusion" program that aims to hire more people with "severe intellectual disability" and "psychiatric disability," among other disabilities, to work with the FAA which is responsible for air safety. Occurring just days after a recent mid-air near disaster involving the death trap known as … Continue reading IDIOCRACY IS HERE: Woke FAA now hiring workers with “severe intellectual and psychiatric disabilities” in new DEI program

Psychiatry becoming a dead industry as opposition grows against APA’s corrupt DSM-5 diagnostic manual

For at least the past decade, there has been a movement afoot to eradicate the psychiatric profession, primarily based on criticism of the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) corrupt DSM-5 diagnostic manual. Patients, psychologists, psychiatrists, other mental health professionals and the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) alike all independently of one another continue to express concerns that … Continue reading Psychiatry becoming a dead industry as opposition grows against APA’s corrupt DSM-5 diagnostic manual

Texas lawsuit says Pfizer “knowingly distributed” adulterated drugs to kids

A legal action that was unsealed on November 20 shows that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is going after Pfizer and one of its partners for knowingly distributing an adulterated medication to children. The suit pins Pfizer and Tris Pharma as the culprits in the illegal distribution of Quillivant XR, a drug prescribed to children with attention-deficit … Continue reading Texas lawsuit says Pfizer “knowingly distributed” adulterated drugs to kids

HALF of all UK children are PERMANENTLY DAMAGED by covid lockdowns, study finds

The Institute of Fiscal Studies has published a study showing that one in two parents in the United Kingdom has at least one child in the family showing serious deterioration in emotional and social skills ever since the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) lockdowns. Children between the ages of four and seven were found to be more likely (52 … Continue reading HALF of all UK children are PERMANENTLY DAMAGED by covid lockdowns, study finds

The DOPAMINE CORRELATION: How alcohol, sugar, caffeine, nicotine, and hard drugs all have one common underlying effect that keeps consumers ‘hooked’

There are many addictive substances on planet earth, and most consumers never meant to become so hooked that they can’t find a way to quit, or even cut back. As with most addictive substances, the more often the frequency of use, and the more potent the substance, the more dopamine is released in the brain, … Continue reading The DOPAMINE CORRELATION: How alcohol, sugar, caffeine, nicotine, and hard drugs all have one common underlying effect that keeps consumers ‘hooked’

To create more pharmaceutical customers, Big Pharma wants doctors to screen every American over eight for “anxiety”

If the pharmaceutical drug cartels get their way, every American over the age of eight will soon be advised to get screened for “anxiety,” even if they show no symptoms of any kind of mental or emotional illness. The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF), one of the most influential groups governing American “health care,” says that … Continue reading To create more pharmaceutical customers, Big Pharma wants doctors to screen every American over eight for “anxiety”

Top 8 ways childhood health is destroyed by toxic food and medicine, and how psychiatry exploits symptoms of toxicity to push experimental drugs

Big Food and Big Pharma have the candle burning at both ends when it comes to the health of the majority of Americans. It’s one big cash cow, and what you don’t know WILL hurt you. Today’s children are at the forefront of this evil scheming, and the food they eat regularly fuels the “disorders” … Continue reading Top 8 ways childhood health is destroyed by toxic food and medicine, and how psychiatry exploits symptoms of toxicity to push experimental drugs

LOBOTOMIZING CHILDREN: Another pharma shill paid big bucks to push experimental “anti-psychotics” drugs on children as young as two years old

Unapproved FDA anti-psychotics prescription drugs have been prescribed for two-year-olds who supposedly have bipolar disorder. On the record with Johnson and Johnson internal documents that have been uprooted, a certain doctor, who happens to be the chief of pediatric psychopharmacology at Harvard’s Massachusetts General Hospital, appears to have pushed these unapproved drugs through speaking engagement … Continue reading LOBOTOMIZING CHILDREN: Another pharma shill paid big bucks to push experimental “anti-psychotics” drugs on children as young as two years old