Dr. Fuellmich provides insightful updates about his trial and arrest

One of the key leaders in the "Second Nuremberg" project aiming to hold the purveyors of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic" accountable for their crimes against humanity, German lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, who was arrested in retaliation and is now being tried, has shared an update about his trial. Dr. Fuellmich, who currently sits in a Göttingen … Continue reading Dr. Fuellmich provides insightful updates about his trial and arrest

In the past three years, British hospitals “accidentally” chopped off 105 patient limbs

The United Kingdom has a serious problem with "accidental" amputations occurring at its government-run National Health Service (NHS) hospitals. Over the last three years, British doctors "mistakenly" sliced off as many as 105 patient limbs, the latest figures show, all due to alleged medical negligence. York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, where at least six … Continue reading In the past three years, British hospitals “accidentally” chopped off 105 patient limbs

Globalists aiming to “peacefully” depopulate six billion people with mass euthanasia

The powers that be are anxious to finally achieve their long-envisioned new world order, which for them means a whole lot fewer people roaming the planet. Over the years, the true plot was buried in all sorts of deceptive narratives ranging from "climate change" and holes in the ozone layer to simple messaging that people are having "too many" … Continue reading Globalists aiming to “peacefully” depopulate six billion people with mass euthanasia

DEPOP OP: Bill Gates once again pushing deadly malaria vaccines on world’s poorest countries

In 2024, billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is planning to spend more money than ever before on new health "innovations" for the world's poorest countries, some of which are already receiving shipments of his latest malaria "vaccines." At the recent World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Gates was asked by reporters about his plans for the coming … Continue reading DEPOP OP: Bill Gates once again pushing deadly malaria vaccines on world’s poorest countries

Heartless globalists CELEBRATE demise of poor people who can no longer afford basics like electricity, food: “It gives us some hope and optimism, actually”

As the world's poor continue to suffer under the crippling boot of globalist tyranny, the globalists in attendance at a recent World Economic Forum (WEF) discussion on the Global Risks Report 2024 celebrated their demise. Skyrocketing energy and food costs are actually a good thing, according to John Scott, head of sustainability at the Zurich Insurance … Continue reading Heartless globalists CELEBRATE demise of poor people who can no longer afford basics like electricity, food: “It gives us some hope and optimism, actually”

Psychopathic behavior on the rise as society descends into freefall collapse

The United States has entered what one media source describes as "the middle stages" of a full-scale economic and social collapse, as evidenced by the increasing prevalence of psychopathic behavior in public. Over the past 10 years, there has been a dramatic uptick in mass violence and theft across the country. The advent of social media is … Continue reading Psychopathic behavior on the rise as society descends into freefall collapse

MEDICAL MADNESS: TikTok doctor says obesity should be “normalized” because “it’s okay to be fat”

A physician at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles with a popular TikTok channel says that one of her goals is to "normalize" being fat. In a recent TikTok post, Dr. Nicole Vangroningen told her followers that "it is okay to be fat," adding that fatness "needs to be normalized," even though obesity and its associated illnesses are the … Continue reading MEDICAL MADNESS: TikTok doctor says obesity should be “normalized” because “it’s okay to be fat”

Is 2024 the year a one-world global government emerges from the rubble?

The world is closer than ever to a shifting of the ages. And with that shift will come the destruction of the existing world order, followed by its replacement with what many believe will manifest as a one-world government. The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic" marked a shift, or acceleration, into this coming new age, which is now … Continue reading Is 2024 the year a one-world global government emerges from the rubble?

OpenAI thinks white genocide is no big deal

When asked recently which is worse, killing a billion white people or using the word "Oriental" to describe an Asian person, the artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot known as OpenAI reportedly responded with ambivalence. Apparently, OpenAI could not care less if a billion white people were to be killed because it basically sees using the word Oriental … Continue reading OpenAI thinks white genocide is no big deal

Heavily CENSORED Pfizer documents show that COVID began a five-year mass DEPOPULATION agenda that will reach completion by 2025

A startling prediction about what will soon come upon the world in the form of genocide is backed by the infamous Pfizer documents, which outline the five-year plan starting in 2020 to massively depopulate the world by the year 2025. In the confidential documents that Pfizer submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the forecast by Deagel, … Continue reading Heavily CENSORED Pfizer documents show that COVID began a five-year mass DEPOPULATION agenda that will reach completion by 2025