US government diagnosing chickens with bird flu using fraudulent PCR tests, then slaughtering them

There is another engineered plandemic taking place, this time against U.S. poultry. According to the government, avian flu, or bird flu, is sweeping across chicken and turkey farms, which means officials must slaughter these birds in order to keep people from eating their meat and eggs – even though cooked meat and eggs are admittedly safe for consumption. … Continue reading US government diagnosing chickens with bird flu using fraudulent PCR tests, then slaughtering them

Homesteading hacks: 15 Ways to feed your chickens (for free)

Homesteading is a rewarding way of life. But from home repairs to canning and gardening, you might find yourself at a loss when it comes to saving on certain expenses. If you raise livestock like chickens, you can save money by learning how to feed your animals for free! (h/t to Chickens need a balanced … Continue reading Homesteading hacks: 15 Ways to feed your chickens (for free)

The 10 best egg-laying chickens for a prepper’s homestead

Keeping egg-laying chickens offers several benefits. They supply fresh eggs daily, eat insect pests, and make for a steady source of income by selling eggs or meat. For preppers who want – or need – to raise egg-laying poultry in their homestead, these 10 breeds make excellent choices for backyard chickens. (h/t to Egg-laying chickens for the … Continue reading The 10 best egg-laying chickens for a prepper’s homestead

No time for “fowl” play: 5 Strategies to protect your chickens from avian flu

The most severe outbreak of the avian influenza – commonly known as bird flu – in the U.S. happened in 2015. The occurrence triggered a wave of alarm for both consumers and poultry farmers. Since then, the price of eggs alone has increased by 58 percent, and grocery stores and restaurants have increased the cost of … Continue reading No time for “fowl” play: 5 Strategies to protect your chickens from avian flu

Japan holds major press conference to address lawsuits seeking compensation for COVID jab victims

The largest press conference ever held by major media outlets concerning the health damage caused by Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” took place in Japan this week, drawing much-needed attention to a very serious issue. Now that billions of people around the world have taken the injections either by force or because they were lied to and told … Continue reading Japan holds major press conference to address lawsuits seeking compensation for COVID jab victims

Big Pharma planning to “vaccinate” America’s chicken supply for bird flu, unleashing a plot to END animal agriculture

At this point in time, the avian flu “crisis” is just an animal issue. It is still negatively impacting humans in the form of mass bird slaughter, which is damaging the supply chain for eggs and chicken meat, but as of yet there is not a human bird flu “pandemic” – though that could soon change. … Continue reading Big Pharma planning to “vaccinate” America’s chicken supply for bird flu, unleashing a plot to END animal agriculture

FOOD SUPPLY RESET: Will bird flu become the next fake pandemic that’s used to wipe out out animal agriculture?

Organic Consumers Association (OCA) political director Alexis Baden-Mayer wrote an article recently that makes a strong case for the forced “reset” of the existing food system via a human bird flu “pandemic.” Now that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is out of most people’s minds, the next staged illness hoax appears to be avian influenza, the predominant response … Continue reading FOOD SUPPLY RESET: Will bird flu become the next fake pandemic that’s used to wipe out out animal agriculture?

RNA, DNA contamination in food supply MUCH WORSE than you probably think

The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic” added a new concept to the public lexicon called mRNA, which stands for messenger RNA. We are told that the COVID injections from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna are made with mRNA, though it has since come out that mRNA shots do not actually contain mRNA, but rather contain laboratory-made RNA and / or DNA … Continue reading RNA, DNA contamination in food supply MUCH WORSE than you probably think

American fast food found to contain traces of animal antibiotics and CONTRACEPTIVE DRUGS, report finds

If you eat any kind of fast food and also claim to live a “drug-free” lifestyle, you are fooling yourself. New research shows that fast food, including “healthier” kinds like Chipotle and In-N-Out, may contain trace amounts of pharmaceutical drugs, including animal antibiotics and contraceptives. Back in September, Moms Across America (MAA) submitted food samples from … Continue reading American fast food found to contain traces of animal antibiotics and CONTRACEPTIVE DRUGS, report finds

Chlorine dioxide proven to kill hospital superbugs, including MRSA

The Journal of Bacteriology & Mycology: Open Access published a study recently that highlights the efficacy of chlorine dioxide in eradicating methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a common hospital “superbug.” George Georgiou, a researcher from the Da Vinci BioSciences Research Centre in Cyprus, set out to determine new methods of fighting MRSA, which kills at least 50,000 people every year in the … Continue reading Chlorine dioxide proven to kill hospital superbugs, including MRSA