Bloated Stomach: What Causes Bloating?

Source: Bloated Stomach: What Causes Bloating? by Dr. Edward Group Bloating is caused by gas or air trapped in the abdomen and can cause mild to severe discomfort. Extreme cases can cause difficulty eating or breathing. Although bloating can be a signal that something is amiss in your diet or digestive tract, in general, bloating is … Continue reading Bloated Stomach: What Causes Bloating?

What is Bloating?

Source: What is Bloating? by Dr. Edward Group Bloating is distension of the abdominal region and it’s commonly present in conjunction with constipation. Constipation, of course, is the result of bulked-up waste material that accumulates in the colon. Also, as material remains in the colon, it can start to ferment (actually rotting) and this process releases gas … Continue reading What is Bloating?