Healing superfoods: 6 Natural antiviral herbs to grow in your home garden

The human virome is made up of at least 380 trillion viruses. Some of these viruses can harm you, but others may benefit your body by coexisting within it. Since birth, viral infections have a crucial role in human disease and survival. At least 50 percent of what’s in your body, like bacteria and viruses, … Continue reading Healing superfoods: 6 Natural antiviral herbs to grow in your home garden

5 Kid-friendly herbs for treating different ailments

Natural remedies have long been known for effectively addressing different ailments without the dangerous side effects that come with conventional medicine. Many parents nowadays are choosing natural cures whenever their children get sick. They head over to their gardens instead of the nearby pharmacy whenever their children experience a fever. But with the many different … Continue reading 5 Kid-friendly herbs for treating different ailments

5 Plants that can keep mosquitoes away from your home

Summer is just around the corner, and the warm weather means the mosquitoes are about to come out as well. It is difficult to keep these pests away from your home, especially without the use of chemicals. Fortunately, certain plants have qualities that mosquitoes find very repellant. Here are five of those plants. (h/t to OldWorldGardenFarms.com) … Continue reading 5 Plants that can keep mosquitoes away from your home

Lemon balm is excellent survival medicine: Review of its medicinal properties and how to use it

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) is a medicinal herb that belongs to the mint family. It has many health benefits, and it can be used to treat fevers or make soothing lemon balm tea. (h/t to TheOrganicPrepper.com) Despite what Big Pharma would have you believe, prescription drugs have been shown to worsen the health conditions that they were … Continue reading Lemon balm is excellent survival medicine: Review of its medicinal properties and how to use it

10 Medicinal herbs that every prepper needs when SHTF

Herbs aren’t just used to enhance the flavor of food. When SHTF, preppers know which medicinal herbs can be used to address different health complaints like headaches or a sore throat. It’s easy to grow various kinds of medicinal herbs in your garden or on your patio. Even if you live in an apartment, you … Continue reading 10 Medicinal herbs that every prepper needs when SHTF

Start planting these perennial herbs today; not only do they taste good, they can be used as medicine when SHTF

Prescribed medications can be expensive, and there are times when they are not readily available. This is why more people are rediscovering the importance and benefits of natural remedies, such as herbs. Not only are they easy to grow, but they are also good ingredients both for culinary and medicinal purposes. (h/t to HomesteadSurvivalSite.com) 7 perennial herbs ideal for … Continue reading Start planting these perennial herbs today; not only do they taste good, they can be used as medicine when SHTF

Are you familiar with these 20 herbs that can be used as medicine?

We are more familiar with herbs when they are included in our culinary experience in restaurants we frequent or even at home. But years ago, these herbs were recognized by our ancestors as a solution for different ailments. (h/t ModernSurvivalOnline.com.) Thyme – This herb is recommended for respiratory diseases. Its most notable chemical compound, thymol, is recognized … Continue reading Are you familiar with these 20 herbs that can be used as medicine?