by Dr. Edward Group
zinc-orotates-blog-300x200Zinc Orotate is a mineral salt found in the human body in trace amounts. Discovered by Dr. Hans Nieper, each molecule of zinc orotate is composed of two molecules of orotic acid and one zinc atom.This innovative German doctor found that this particular form of zinc was more readily absorbed by the human body, and thus was more indicative for the treatment and prevention of disease. Nieper also showed that zinc orotate, when compared to zinc carbonates, chlorides and sulfates, provided increased bioavailability in the body.
Many of us are aware that zinc is an essential element for not only humans, but all living things. But what few of us are aware of is the fact that many forms of zinc supplementation are not absorbed within the cellular membrane.Research shows that zinc orotate, which is essentially a chelated form of zinc, has the ability to enhance absorption through cellular membranes.Research from Dr. Nieper has shown that zinc orotate, when compared to other forms of zinc, are more neutrally charged, a process that allows the zinc to pass seamlessly through the cell membrane. This allows the human body to receive the largest serving of zinc.

11 Health Benefits Of Zinc Orotates

  1. Strong antioxidant properties
    These antioxidant properties aid in protecting the skin from harmful UV light. Orotates also act as one of the main components in the superoxide dismutase enzyme, one of the body’s antioxidants for neutralizing harmful toxins.
  2. Increases the ability to heal wounds
  3. Reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease
    Zinc orotate may revitalize the state of injured heart tissue. It also limits damage done to the heart when confronting interrupted blood flow. Zinc orotate also acts to better HDL/LDL ratios of cholesterol and may even decrease the likelihood of plaque formation in arteries. Orotates have also been shown to slow heart degeneration. [1] [2] [3] [4]
  4. Reduction in many of the harmful side effects of radiation therapy
    Zinc orotate has been shown to reduce anemia and impaired immunity in patients who have received radiation therapy, thus lowering the toxicity of these treatments. [5]
  5. Reduction in harmful effects of alcohol consumption
    Zinc orotate, in lab experiments on mice, was shown to protect the liver from large amounts of alcohol. The orotates were able to neutralise free radicals in the liver tissues that had been harmed by the alcohol. [6]
  6. Fights the Herpes simplex virus
    Clinical studies show that patients experienced 57% fewer days of herpes while taking 316 mg/day of zinc orotate. [7]
  7. Relation to diabetic cardiomyopathy
    A Tunisian study found that six months of zinc supplementation can reduce oxidative stress in diabetic patients by 15%. What is more, zinc orotate has the ability to regulate blood glucose levels.
  8. Connection to Osteoporosis
    Research from the University of Liverpool found that dietary zinc supplements offered significant benefits to those suffering from with joint disorders. [8]   Taking a calcium supplement is another great option for those at risk for osteoporosis
  9. Reduction in chances of developing liver disease
    Studies show that zinc orotate can aid patients suffering from liver disease.
  10. Reduction in progression of macular degeneration
    Large clinical trials found that zinc offered extremely beneficial effects against the progression of macular (retina) degeneration. [9]

I have been using and taking a zinc orotate supplement for years and I would recommend keeping some in your natural medicine cabinet. Most people are deficient in zinc and have weakened immune systems so it really is vital to supplement your diet with added zinc.

References (9)
  1. Alsafwah S, Laguardia SP, Arroyo M, Dockery BK, Bhattacharya SK, Ahokas RA, Newman KP. Congestive heart failure is a systemic illness: a role for minerals and micronutrients. Clin Med Res. 2007 Dec;5(4):238-43. doi: 10.3121/cmr.2007.737. Review.
  2. Classen HG. Magnesium orotate–experimental and clinical evidence. Rom J Intern Med. 2004;42(3):491-501. Review.
  3. Rosenfeldt FL. Metabolic supplementation with orotic acid and magnesium orotate. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 1998 Sep;12 Suppl 2:147-52.
  4. Jellinek H, Takács E. Course of the progression of experimentally induced arteriosclerotic vessel wall changes after treatment with magnesium orotate. Arzneimittelforschung. 2000 Dec;50(12):1071-7. German.
  5. Floersheim GL, Bieri A. Further studies on selective radioprotection by organic zinc salts and synergism of zinc aspartate with WR 2721. Br J Radiol. 1990 Jun;63(750):468-75.
  6. Floersheim GL. Synergism of organic zinc salts and sulfhydryl compounds (thiols) in the protection of mice against acute ethanol toxicity, and protective effects of various metal salts. Agents Actions. 1987 Jun;21(1-2):217-22.
  7. Gaby AR. Natural remedies for Herpes simplex. Altern Med Rev. 2006 Jun;11(2):93-101. Review.
  8. Atik OS, Uslu MM, Eksioglu F, Satana T. Etiology of senile osteoporosis: a hypothesis. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2006 Feb;443:25-7. Review.
  9. Nowak JZ. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD): pathogenesis and therapy. Pharmacol Rep. 2006 May-Jun;58(3):353-63. Review.

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