The Origin of HIV Aids – The best documentary

It is now thirty years since the discovery of AIDS but its origins continue to puzzle doctors and scientists. Inspired by his own experiences working as an infectious diseases physician in Africa, Jacques Pepin looks back to the early twentieth-century events in Africa that triggered the emergence of HIV/AIDS and traces its subsequent development into … Continue reading The Origin of HIV Aids – The best documentary

AIDS caused by “gay lifestyle,” not HIV, says biologist

A German-American molecular biologist and professor at the University of California, Berkeley by the name of Peter Duesberg says that AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is not caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) but rather by the “gay lifestyle.” Duesberg published a paper on the subject that was covered by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). His paper debunks the longtime claim … Continue reading AIDS caused by “gay lifestyle,” not HIV, says biologist

Dr. Andrew Kaufman talks about HIV, AIDS and the lies peddled by the government to manipulate the public

Dr. Andrew Kaufman talked about the HIV and AIDS agenda, as well as the lies peddled by the government to manipulate the public during a Feb. 25 interview with Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media. “We’ve been told over and over again in our lives that germs and viruses make us sick, and they explain a number … Continue reading Dr. Andrew Kaufman talks about HIV, AIDS and the lies peddled by the government to manipulate the public

The treatment dilemma of HIV-positive patients as a result of the HIV-AIDS hypothesis: The illusion of antiviral treatment.

The treatment dilemma of HIV-positive patients as a result of the HIV-AIDS hypothesis: The illusion of antiviral treatment. “We virtually killed a whole generation of AIDS patients without even noticing it because the symptoms of the AZT intoxication were almost indistinguishable from AIDS. And the placebo control, which could have warned us, was for ‘ethical … Continue reading The treatment dilemma of HIV-positive patients as a result of the HIV-AIDS hypothesis: The illusion of antiviral treatment.

HIV and AIDS- The Real Cause and Solution

Dr. Bergman explains how HIV testing and therapies have never proven accurate or effective and what the real causes and solutions of AIDS are. HIV and AIDS- The Real Cause and Solution Video Length: 43: 18 minutes Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense Do you think … Continue reading HIV and AIDS- The Real Cause and Solution

San Francisco woman proves that HIV doesn’t always cause AIDS: no symptoms after 23 years

In the 23 years since she was diagnosed with HIV, 61-year-old Loreen Willenberg of Sacramento, Calif., has never taken any drugs to restrain the virus. She has never shown symptoms or become ill from HIV or AIDS. She has experienced no drop in her CD4 T-cells, the immune cells targeted by HIV. “I haven’t had … Continue reading San Francisco woman proves that HIV doesn’t always cause AIDS: no symptoms after 23 years

Why do some COVID-19 “vaccine” side effects resemble symptoms of HIV?

A case report published in the AIDS Research and Therapy journal reveals that the side effects of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” are almost exactly the same as the symptoms associated with acute HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection. Researchers out of Germany took a closer look at the adverse events commonly reported in conjunction with COVID injections – things like … Continue reading Why do some COVID-19 “vaccine” side effects resemble symptoms of HIV?

JABBED UNTIL DEATH: Endless mRNA jabs are now planned for multiple vaccine types, including influenza, HIV, RSV, Pneumococcal, Zika and many more

Now that pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer and Moderna have caused widespread immunosuppression using covid mRNA vaccines, there will soon be a surge of new infections and a gold-rush for new mRNA vaccines. Pharmaceutical companies have already positioned themselves to capitalize on upcoming infections and illnesses that will inevitably plague an excessively immunocompromised population. Endless mRNA … Continue reading JABBED UNTIL DEATH: Endless mRNA jabs are now planned for multiple vaccine types, including influenza, HIV, RSV, Pneumococcal, Zika and many more

STUDY: Natural immunity to covid never wanes, but fully jabbed are developing AIDS

Every person who left his immune system alone now has permanent immunity to the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), a new study has found. But every person who got “vaccinated” now has acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, also known as AIDS. Researchers in Qatar looked at data from the Qatari National digital-health information platform, which covers the country’s entire population. Nearly … Continue reading STUDY: Natural immunity to covid never wanes, but fully jabbed are developing AIDS