These 13 countries just signed an agreement to engineer a global FAMINE by destroying food supply

The United States and the following 12 countries have all signed on to an agreement that in practice will destroy agriculture worldwide while ushering in global famine and starvation: Argentina Australia Brazil Burkina Faso Chile Czech Republic Ecuador Germany Panama Peru Spain Uruguay A loss of meat production from Australia, Brazil and the U.S. alone would be … Continue reading These 13 countries just signed an agreement to engineer a global FAMINE by destroying food supply

Another U.S. poultry farm goes UP IN FLAMES as sabotage ops target yet more food supply chain hubs

More than one million chickens are dead after a massive fire burned down Wabash Valley Produce Farm in Farina, a small town in southern Illinois. According to reports, the fire broke out at approximately 6:30 p.m. on May 29. More than two dozen fire departments rushed to the scene to help put the fire out, but it … Continue reading Another U.S. poultry farm goes UP IN FLAMES as sabotage ops target yet more food supply chain hubs

World Bank launches plan to decimate global farming under excuse of cutting carbon emissions

The globalist-led World Bank issued a report recently that proposes the idea of making drastic cuts to global agriculture production in order to achieve "net zero emissions." The plot involves centralizing the world's farms in the hands of just a few wealthy individuals who plan to cut almost one-third of the world's greenhouse gas emissions by radically … Continue reading World Bank launches plan to decimate global farming under excuse of cutting carbon emissions

Insect biodiversity plummeting as global food supply teeters toward collapse

Buried beneath headlines about congressional treason and wars and rumors of war is a disturbing new report from the World Entomology Body (WEB) showing that the world's insect populations are plummeting. This is really bad news for the food supply, which relies on precious pollinators like bees to keep the life cycle going. Without these vital critters, … Continue reading Insect biodiversity plummeting as global food supply teeters toward collapse

Europe launches food crisis WAR GAMES simulating an expected global food crisis

Is the world heading towards a major global food collapse? The governments of the European Union (EU) sure seem to think so. As of right now, EU governments have begun conducting major food crisis war games simulations that predict serious food supply and logistics problems as soon as this year going into next year. Besides the impact of … Continue reading Europe launches food crisis WAR GAMES simulating an expected global food crisis

Is our own government trying to starve us? Whistleblower reveals U.S. government behind attacks on America’s food infrastructure

Is the United States government or some other malicious entity behind the dozens of mysterious food processing plant fires that occurred over the past year? EcoHealth Alliance whistleblower and bioterrorism expert Dr. Andrew Huff seems to think so. The military veteran and scientist recently came forward as a whistleblower to present evidence of what appears to … Continue reading Is our own government trying to starve us? Whistleblower reveals U.S. government behind attacks on America’s food infrastructure

Food shortages are coming to Europe, and it can all be traced back to the U.S. destruction of Nord Stream

Energy costs are now so high across the United Kingdom that the country’s agriculture system is showing signs of a collapse. Many U.K. farmers were unable to use greenhouses to plant winter crops this year because the costs of doing so have reached epic highs. Consequently, some fresh produce is now having to be rationed, according to … Continue reading Food shortages are coming to Europe, and it can all be traced back to the U.S. destruction of Nord Stream

Alaska’s snow crab season CANCELED due to population crash; lying media blames “climate change”

For the first time ever, the Bering Sea snow crab season in Alaska has been canceled due to massive population losses of the crustacean. And the mainstream media’s excuse is that “global warming” is responsible for this. Alaskan officials say an unprecedented decline in crab numbers has rendered the region unfit for the normal catch, delivering another blow … Continue reading Alaska’s snow crab season CANCELED due to population crash; lying media blames “climate change”

CHAOS all over the world: UN food chief describes “destabilization of nations” resulting from FAMINE

Several years back, Donald Trump warned it was coming. Now, United Nations World Food Program Executive Director David Beasley is saying it has arrived. “A perfect storm on top of a perfect storm,” Beasley recently said, has reached our doorstep. Both Nord Stream gas pipelines (1 and 2) from Russia to Europe have ruptured and become non-operational. Energy … Continue reading CHAOS all over the world: UN food chief describes “destabilization of nations” resulting from FAMINE

Think engineered famine could never happen? Learn the story of the HOLODOMOR as history repeats itself

As we are forced to watch the global economy be deconstructed in real time, the surreality of it all is bringing into much clearer view the fact that this is an engineered depopulation phenomenon – including the coming global famine that is already in the works. The powers that be are right now pulling the … Continue reading Think engineered famine could never happen? Learn the story of the HOLODOMOR as history repeats itself