DRUG CARTEL: The Big Pharma equivalent of the MOB runs America’s health care, which is why drug prices continue to skyrocket

In case you have not figured it out yet, everything in America revolves around money and the powers that be's love of it. And the nation's highly corrupt health care system is no different. The federal government makes all the rules, after all, including who "wins" and who "loses." As usual, ordinary Americans are losing in the form of sky-high … Continue reading DRUG CARTEL: The Big Pharma equivalent of the MOB runs America’s health care, which is why drug prices continue to skyrocket

If your doctor told you to get “vaccinated” for COVID, they were BRIBED, evidence shows

Millions of Americans were advised by their doctors to get "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) – not because they actually care about their patients, mind you, but because they were bribed by health insurance companies to peddle as many jabs as possible in exchange for cash. A leaked document from Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield … Continue reading If your doctor told you to get “vaccinated” for COVID, they were BRIBED, evidence shows

German insurance data shows 88 fully vaccinated people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly every day

The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV) just released insurance records for 72 million Germans. The data paints a harrowing picture. Not only has the vaccine failed to save people’s lives from infection, but it’s now apparent that populations are living through a modern-day vaccine holocaust. The data was released at a press conference and … Continue reading German insurance data shows 88 fully vaccinated people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly every day

VAX DEATH COVER-UP: One of Germany’s largest health insurance companies just fired its CEO for telling the truth about covid vaccine injuries; all data scrubbed from website

The CEO of one of Germany’s largest health insurance carriers was abruptly fired from his job last month after releasing truthful data about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” injuries. Andreas Schofbeck of BKK / ProVita, whom we have reported on in the past, reported an unexpected jump in jab-related health insurance claims. In February, he notified the Paul Ehrlich Institute … Continue reading VAX DEATH COVER-UP: One of Germany’s largest health insurance companies just fired its CEO for telling the truth about covid vaccine injuries; all data scrubbed from website

HEALTH INSURANCE could be outlawed for the unvaccinated in Illinois

Rep. Jonathan Carroll, a Democrat from Illinois, has introduced new legislation to deny all unvaccinated residents in the state of health care coverage. If passed, the bill would require that everyone who refuses to get injected with spike proteins for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) be denied coverage and forced to pay all of their own medical expenses … Continue reading HEALTH INSURANCE could be outlawed for the unvaccinated in Illinois

Hospital bills add to the problems of coronavirus patients

A number of people who survive a bout of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) infection experience symptoms that affect them in the long term. However, sky-high hospital bills for COVID-19 treatments only make things worse for them. While some health insurance companies cover the cost of treatments for the disease, some hospitals have not followed these policies. COVID-19 patients … Continue reading Hospital bills add to the problems of coronavirus patients

Millennials are being devastated by chronic health conditions and no one knows why

A new Harris Poll conducted on behalf of CNBC has revealed that nearly half of all millennials born between 1981 and 1988 suffer from at least one chronic health condition that majorly inhibits their ability to live and function normally. Perhaps the unhealthiest American generation to date, millennials are so stricken with chronic health problems that many “experts” … Continue reading Millennials are being devastated by chronic health conditions and no one knows why

BREAKING: Google running Orwellian project to secretly hoover up health records of millions of Americans across 21 states – WSJ

The Wall Street Journal is now breaking the news that Google is running a secret, Orwellian project called “Project Nightingale,” designed to covertly sweep up the health records of millions of Americans across 21 U.S. states. “Search giant is amassing health records from Ascension facilities in 21 states; patients not yet informed,” warns the WSJ. The WSJ … Continue reading BREAKING: Google running Orwellian project to secretly hoover up health records of millions of Americans across 21 states – WSJ

Draining the Pharma swamp: Donald Trump announces plan to hammer Big Pharma’s monopoly profits by requiring competitive bidding for government drug purchase contracts

In a welcome announcement during a press conference today, President-elect Donald Trump announced a plan to shatter the monopolistic pricing of Big Pharma that has been draining literally trillions of dollars from the government for the past two decades. “Pharma has a lot of lobbyists and a lot of power,” said Trump. “There’s very little bidding on … Continue reading Draining the Pharma swamp: Donald Trump announces plan to hammer Big Pharma’s monopoly profits by requiring competitive bidding for government drug purchase contracts