Yes, you can detox from covid “vaccine” spike proteins: here’s how

The World Council for Health (WCH) has released a spike protein detoxification guide to help those who have been “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) find relief from the chemical violence that was inflicted upon them. The worldwide coalition of health-focused organizations and civil society groups recommends the following substances for inhibiting covid injection spike proteins throughout the body: … Continue reading Yes, you can detox from covid “vaccine” spike proteins: here’s how

Do you have a magnesium deficiency? Here are common signs and symptoms

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a key role in more than 300 chemical reactions in the human body. For instance, muscles need magnesium to properly contract. Nerves also use magnesium to send and receive signals. Magnesium keeps the heart beating steadily and strengthens immunity. Unfortunately, despite the importance of magnesium to overall health, many people miss … Continue reading Do you have a magnesium deficiency? Here are common signs and symptoms

This common mineral helps lower insulin resistance in people with Type 2 diabetes

Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in Nature. It can even be found inside the human body. Magnesium is an essential mineral because the body needs it but can’t produce it. It is involved in over 300 bodily processes, including the production of health-supporting antioxidants like glutathione and the metabolism of vitamin D. In addition, magnesium … Continue reading This common mineral helps lower insulin resistance in people with Type 2 diabetes

Incorporating magnesium-rich foods into your diet helps reduce insulin resistance even if you don’t have diabetes

Magnesium is an essential nutrient that contributes to overall health. It plays a key role in several bodily processes, including the regulation of muscle and nerve function, blood sugar and blood pressure control, protein synthesis and the formation of strong bones. Multiple studies have found that magnesium helps reduce insulin resistance — a major factor in the development and … Continue reading Incorporating magnesium-rich foods into your diet helps reduce insulin resistance even if you don’t have diabetes

Promote bone health and lower osteoporosis risk by incorporating these essential nutrients and minerals into your diet

While losing bone mass is part of the aging process, some people lose too much bone mass or do not replace lost bone mass fast enough. This condition is called osteoporosis, and it’s more common in postmenopausal women but can also affect older men. Osteoporosis is considered a silent disease because bone loss occurs without any symptoms. You … Continue reading Promote bone health and lower osteoporosis risk by incorporating these essential nutrients and minerals into your diet

Want to lose belly fat? Eat more of these 27 superfoods

It’s not easy to lose weight, and it can be harder if you eat a lot of salty foods that cause water retention. To promote weight loss, eat more of the 27 superfoods listed below. Belly fat or visceral fat can be found inside your abdominal cavity, wrapped around your internal organs. While it can be hard to determine exactly … Continue reading Want to lose belly fat? Eat more of these 27 superfoods

Natural, soothing remedies: 4 Benefits of an Epsom salt foot bath

Epsom salt is a natural mineral compound known to relax the muscles and alleviate pain. It is named after a bitter saline spring at Epsom in Surrey, England. Practitioners of integrative medicine incorporate Epsom salt in their medicinal arsenal for its physical and mental benefits. That’s because Epsom salt helps stabilize mood and relieves stress … Continue reading Natural, soothing remedies: 4 Benefits of an Epsom salt foot bath

Satiate your hunger AND quench your thirst with these 5 refreshing and hydrating foods

It is important to keep yourself hydrated especially during the summer. Dehydration has terrible consequences for the body such as heatstroke and seizures. It is dangerous to younger children and older adults, although those in between the age groups should also be wary of being dehydrated. However, drinking water can be very challenging given that water in itself is … Continue reading Satiate your hunger AND quench your thirst with these 5 refreshing and hydrating foods

3 Common vitamin deficiencies and how to prevent them

Following a balanced diet helps your body get the vitamins and minerals it needs to function well. But not everyone receives the right amount of nutrients from eating healthy food, which is where supplements come in. If you’re experiencing symptoms like muscle cramps or gut problems, you may be deficient in magnesium, vitamin B or zinc. … Continue reading 3 Common vitamin deficiencies and how to prevent them

Consume superfoods rich in magnesium to lower your blood pressure naturally

Maintaining a healthy blood pressure is essential for avoiding life-threatening cardiovascular problems like heart attack, stroke and heart disease. While anti-hypertensive medicines are often the go-to treatments for high blood pressure, more and more people are looking for natural remedies to avoid the many side effects of prescription medications, which include lightheadedness, anxiety and even sexual … Continue reading Consume superfoods rich in magnesium to lower your blood pressure naturally