TARGETING TODDLERS: CDC head Mandy Cohen says mask mandates could return for toddlers despite CDC scientists’ finding that masks don’t work

Last fall, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) head Mandy Cohen was asked by Congress whether or not she plans to bring back mask mandates for toddlers. Rather than answer the question, Cohen beat around the bush and vaguely suggested she might try. “We have a lot of different tools to protect our children,” Cohen … Continue reading TARGETING TODDLERS: CDC head Mandy Cohen says mask mandates could return for toddlers despite CDC scientists’ finding that masks don’t work

N95 masks expose wearers to dangerous levels of toxic cancer- and seizure-causing compounds, study finds

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has re-shared a study emphasizing the fact that wearing an N95 face mask for any reason can expose wearers to dangerous levels of deadly chemicals. Researchers from Jeonbuk National University in South Korea evaluated two different types of disposable medical-grade masks, as well as several types of reusable cotton masks, of the sort … Continue reading N95 masks expose wearers to dangerous levels of toxic cancer- and seizure-causing compounds, study finds

Covid is over, and in its wake are six million avoidable deaths, 36 million “vaccine” deaths, and $1.8 trillion down the drain for useless masks and tests

The Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “pandemic” is finally over, and all we got was tens of millions of needless deaths and the loss of $1.8 trillion, which was wasted on face masks, PCR “testing” kits, and all sorts of other useless, tyrannical nonsense that destroyed what little remained of social cohesion and normalcy. “Ballpark” figures compiled by Peter … Continue reading Covid is over, and in its wake are six million avoidable deaths, 36 million “vaccine” deaths, and $1.8 trillion down the drain for useless masks and tests

The science is undeniable: Face masks do NOT stop covid transmission

A new scientific review compiled by researchers from America’s top universities confirms that face masks do not reduce the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). A welcomed affirmation of numerous earlier studies on the subject, the new publication states that “widespread masking may have done little to nothing to curb the transmission of COVID” – which is … Continue reading The science is undeniable: Face masks do NOT stop covid transmission

Unmasking the science: Studies find that N95 masks provide no statistically significant protection against covid transmission

The verdict is in: even the most advanced of the face masks that was pushed on Americans during covid, the N95, is a dud when it comes to providing actual protection against disease transmission. A multi-year study found that N95 masks, which are supposedly better than homemade cloth and those ugly blue masks, are largely useless, despite providing … Continue reading Unmasking the science: Studies find that N95 masks provide no statistically significant protection against covid transmission

BURN THE SCIENCE: Germany announces plan to “thermally recycle” 800 million covid masks as FUEL amid energy crisis

Close to 800 million sealed face coverings that were manufactured for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) scamdemic will soon be incinerated as fuel to keep people in Germany warm this upcoming dark winter. Reports indicate that the economic powerhouse of Europe is struggling to stay afloat amid the ongoing altercation between Russia and Ukraine-NATO. This has left the country unable to … Continue reading BURN THE SCIENCE: Germany announces plan to “thermally recycle” 800 million covid masks as FUEL amid energy crisis

Fauci insists Americans should still wear masks indoors

White House Chief Medical Advisor Anthony Fauci has complained that Americans are still not adhering to Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) public health restrictions. He has also insisted that citizens should still wear masks indoors. In an interview with Katie Couric, Fauci blamed anti-vaccine advocates, American politics and “misinformation” for influencing people to defy wearing face coverings and refuse … Continue reading Fauci insists Americans should still wear masks indoors

STUDY: Face masks are teeming with disease-causing bacteria and fungi

Japanese researchers just published a paper in the journal Scientific Reports that deconstructs the false notion that face masks protect against infection and spread of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). It turns out that face masks are petri dishes for pathogens to fester and multiply, whether they be the Fauci Flu, the common cold, or a fungal infection. If it causes illness, … Continue reading STUDY: Face masks are teeming with disease-causing bacteria and fungi

CDC pushes masks for monkeypox, then immediately drops recommendation after it was exposed as a political stunt

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot make up its mind about whether or not Americans should once again mask up in response to the new alleged monkeypox outbreak. At first, the CDC jumped at the opportunity to push masks on Americans, many of whom never even stopped wearing masks from the last manufactured plandemic. … Continue reading CDC pushes masks for monkeypox, then immediately drops recommendation after it was exposed as a political stunt

FINDING: Masks will silently deprive humans of oxygen for years to come through microplastic pollution

For the first time, scientists have detected microplastic pollution in human blood. The study, published in Environment International, detected plastic particles in almost 80% of the people they tested. These microplastics may be consumed or inhaled. These microplastics can attach to red blood cells, harming oxygen utilization in the bloodstream. They also interfere with glandular function, causing … Continue reading FINDING: Masks will silently deprive humans of oxygen for years to come through microplastic pollution