PLAIN STUPIDITY: Pharmaceutical front group American Academy of Pediatrics condemns natural breastfeeding, calling it “ethically problematic”

Is it bad for modern medicine to promote breastfeeding as the optimal way for a mother to feed her baby? According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), a known pharmaceutical front group, the answer is yes. In a recent announcement, the AAP criticized the leading medical and public health organizations for recommending that mothers exclusively breastfeed … Continue reading PLAIN STUPIDITY: Pharmaceutical front group American Academy of Pediatrics condemns natural breastfeeding, calling it “ethically problematic”

Clues for removing GRAPHENE OXIDE and other dangerous COVID “vaccine” ingredients from your body

There has been a lot of talk lately about the hidden graphene oxide component of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" and how it interacts with, and is even activated by, electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) such as 5G – but do not panic: there are ways to rid your body of the stuff naturally. Even if you never took even a single … Continue reading Clues for removing GRAPHENE OXIDE and other dangerous COVID “vaccine” ingredients from your body

Now that the latest COVID jabs have been approved by the FDA, it might be a good time to stock up on zinc, quercetin, vitamin C and vitamin D

It looks like COVID 2.0 is inevitable now that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted approval (for people aged 12 and older) and emergency use authorization or EUA (for children and babies between six months and 11 years old) for the latest Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "booster" shot "vaccines" from Pfizer and Moderna. … Continue reading Now that the latest COVID jabs have been approved by the FDA, it might be a good time to stock up on zinc, quercetin, vitamin C and vitamin D

Chlorine dioxide proven to kill hospital superbugs, including MRSA

The Journal of Bacteriology & Mycology: Open Access published a study recently that highlights the efficacy of chlorine dioxide in eradicating methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a common hospital "superbug." George Georgiou, a researcher from the Da Vinci BioSciences Research Centre in Cyprus, set out to determine new methods of fighting MRSA, which kills at least 50,000 people every year in the … Continue reading Chlorine dioxide proven to kill hospital superbugs, including MRSA

Want to improve your brain health naturally? Eat more fermented, cultured foods

New research out of Ireland has confirmed that fermented and cultured foods are good both for gut and brain. Eating foods that are alive and thriving due to beneficial bacteria – a few common examples include yogurt, kefir, kombucha, and kimchi – can greatly improve one’s mental health, concludes the review, which was published in the journal Preventive … Continue reading Want to improve your brain health naturally? Eat more fermented, cultured foods

Are you deficient in nitric oxide, the most critical molecule for cardiovascular health?

One of the key components of cardiovascular health that many people overlook is a molecule called nitric oxide, or NO, which according to Nathan S. Bryan, PhD, is involved in virtually every organ system of the body. Almost every form of cardiovascular disease begins with the loss of NO production in the body. The same is true … Continue reading Are you deficient in nitric oxide, the most critical molecule for cardiovascular health?

Study: Supplementing with vitamin D helps prevent cancer, especially if it’s taken more frequently

Many people are already aware of the bone-protective effects of vitamin D, but did you also know that the “sunlight nutrient” protects against cancer? Researchers from the German Cancer Research Center (GCRC) put together a new study about it showing that supplementing with vitamin D – this can include just going outside and exposing your skin … Continue reading Study: Supplementing with vitamin D helps prevent cancer, especially if it’s taken more frequently

Carrot carotenoids found to enhance and protect eye health

Did you know that the retina of the eye is an extension of the human brain? And did you know that carrots, eggs, and leafy greens are loaded with nutrients that help protect and promote optimal eye health? Of the 850 known carotenoids in the food supply, just three of them – lutein, zeaxanthin, and astaxanthin – … Continue reading Carrot carotenoids found to enhance and protect eye health

Since ancient times, pine needles have been an important part of vibrant health

For hundreds of years, indigenous people groups have taken full advantage of pine needles and various other compounds collected from pine trees that support vibrant immunity, respiration, and cardiovascular and neurological performance. Some of the earliest-known uses of pine for health date back to 1536 when the Iroquois gave Jacques Cartier bark and needles from pines to … Continue reading Since ancient times, pine needles have been an important part of vibrant health

Beetroot juice found to “significantly increase muscle force during exercise”

New research published in the journal Acta Physiologica has identified beetroot juice as a powerful workout-boosting food that “significantly increases muscle force during exercise.” Researchers from the United States and the United Kingdom teamed up to test the effects of beetroot juice on a group of healthy men in their early 20s. The men were given 4.7 ounces … Continue reading Beetroot juice found to “significantly increase muscle force during exercise”