Bombshell: Can vaccine NERVE DAMAGE be REVERSED with this home-grown molecule called sulforaphane?

A molecule found in home-grown sprouts is documented to activate nervous system stem cells to regrow nerve tissue and repair damaged nerves and brains. This molecule is created automatically, at zero cost, when broccoli sprouts are sprouted using something as simple as a mason jar and a sprouting lid. The molecule is called sulforaphane, and it’s found in … Continue reading Bombshell: Can vaccine NERVE DAMAGE be REVERSED with this home-grown molecule called sulforaphane?

Forgotten dreams: REM sleep helps prevent information overload, explain scientists

Dreams are quickly forgotten the moment people wake up. This is likely due to a group of neurons that gets activated during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep – the phase of mammalian slumber when most dreams are made. A recent study published in the journal Science examined the neurons that produce appetite and sleep hormones in mice. Japanese and American … Continue reading Forgotten dreams: REM sleep helps prevent information overload, explain scientists

Immune cells ATTACK the aging brain and release a substance that hinders new nerve cell production, report scientists

The emotional side of heart failure: Why do heart failure patients become depressed?

Heart failure leads to many complications, especially in the cardiovascular system, but research suggests it could also lead to mental health problems. Heart failure patients often suffer from depression and cognitive impairment, and researchers from Canada have uncovered why these problems occur. Their findings were published in the journal Scientific Reports. Researchers from the University of Guelph in Ontario and … Continue reading The emotional side of heart failure: Why do heart failure patients become depressed?

Major component of silymarin may help prevent Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s

Silymarin is an herbal extract that’s popularly used as a health supplement. It is associated with liver benefits and is often taken by patients with hepatitis. Silymarin contains a mixture of various compounds, the most active of which is the flavonoid known as silibinin. In a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, researchers from different universities … Continue reading Major component of silymarin may help prevent Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s

You know water’s great for you, but do you know when you’ve had enough?

Staying hydrated is crucial for your overall health. But how does the human body know when you’ve had enough water? According to a 2019 study published in the journal Nature, an element in the gut could have a role in predicting when you’re already hydrated. “Thirst signals” in the brain For the study, researchers ran tests on … Continue reading You know water’s great for you, but do you know when you’ve had enough?