Here’s why eating garlic and onions can prevent hypertension and diabetes

Alliums are disease-fighting vegetables widely used as everyday food and traditional medicines. This incredible family of edible medicinal plants is composed of garlic, white and purple onions, leeks, chives, scallions and shallots. According to studies, alliums contain unique compounds called organosulfur compounds and natural antioxidants called polyphenols that are responsible for their disease-fighting activities. In a recent study, … Continue reading Here’s why eating garlic and onions can prevent hypertension and diabetes

Extracts from garlic, white onion and purple onion exert inhibitory effects against enzymes linked to diabetes and hypertension

Researchers at the Federal University of Technology in Nigeria evaluated the effects of the aqueous extract of garlic, white onion and purple onion on the activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), a-amylase and a-glucosidase in vitro. They reported their findings in an article published in the Journal of Dietary Supplements. Based on these findings, the researchers concluded that garlic, white onion and purple … Continue reading Extracts from garlic, white onion and purple onion exert inhibitory effects against enzymes linked to diabetes and hypertension

New study reveals regular garlic intake may lower mortality risk

A recent study published in the journal Nutrients found that regularly consuming garlic can lower all-cause mortality risk among older people. Previous research associated garlic consumption with lower mortality risk in younger healthy subjects. But no such evidence had been documented for older adults. The present study, on the other hand, shows the protective effects of garlic among people aged 80 … Continue reading New study reveals regular garlic intake may lower mortality risk

Consuming alliums like onions and garlic found to lower colorectal cancer risk by 79 percent

Garlic and onions are a cook’s best friend. Besides the fact that they complement most dishes, these ingredients are staples in different cuisines because of their intense and unique tastes. But there’s another compelling reason to start eating more of these foods. In a recent study published in the Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, Chinese researchers found that eating high amounts … Continue reading Consuming alliums like onions and garlic found to lower colorectal cancer risk by 79 percent

Taking aged garlic daily reduces your risk of cancer, researchers find

Daily consumption of food supplements with anticancer potential has become a way to prevent and manage cancer. Aged garlic is one of the superfoods known to fight cancer. A review of studies published in the Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines confirmed that aged garlic can be used as a promising daily food supplement for preventing and treating cancer because … Continue reading Taking aged garlic daily reduces your risk of cancer, researchers find

Aged garlic is incredibly good for your heart

The greatest bane of health and life in the United States can be prevented by consuming a common kitchen herb. Heart disease can be avoided by eating aged garlic, which contains natural compounds that support the healthy functions of the cardiovascular system. Aged garlic exerts a number of beneficial effects that benefit the heart directly and … Continue reading Aged garlic is incredibly good for your heart

What do garlic and white onion have in common? Both can lower blood pressure and prevent diabetes

Garlic and onions are commonly used as ingredients to add flavor to foods; they are also known for improving health as they contain many natural antioxidants, such as polyphenols. In a study published in the Journal of Dietary Supplements, garlic, white onion, and purple onion were proven to exhibit powerful antioxidant activities which are helpful in lowering blood … Continue reading What do garlic and white onion have in common? Both can lower blood pressure and prevent diabetes

Aged garlic extract balances your cholesterol levels, study finds

Garlic contains many health benefits that people swear by, but there’s also something to be said about aged garlic and its unique therapeutic properties. In fact, aged garlic is better at managing a person’s cholesterol levels than raw garlic, as noted by scientists from Nanyang Polytechnic in Singapore. The study, which appeared in the Journal of Medicinal Food, compared the … Continue reading Aged garlic extract balances your cholesterol levels, study finds

Natural Compound in Garlic Uses Epigenetics to Fight Ovarian Cancer

Garlic has been used in food and as medicine since ancient times. Considered a superfood for its role as a health promoter, this small, pungent vegetable is widely used today to prevent and treat numerous conditions from the common cold to heart disease, cancer, and more. Now new research is confirming garlic’s medicinal ability, finding … Continue reading Natural Compound in Garlic Uses Epigenetics to Fight Ovarian Cancer

Cancer, Sulfur, Garlic & Glutathione

What do garlic and glutathione have in common? Sulfur! Sulfur is commonly used in Asia as an herbal medicine to treat inflammation and cancer. Organic sulfur has been studied on oral and other cancers and has been found to have remarkable benefit in anti-cancer therapy.[1]Sulfur is an essential element for all life, and is widely used in … Continue reading Cancer, Sulfur, Garlic & Glutathione